教学课程:GMAT / BAT Math and Verbal Instruction
Viraj joined Prep Zone after interviewing at the India office.
Earlier, after 5 years in the US, he returned to India and started an engineering business, which he ran for 8 years. He was involved in manufacturing, importing and installing CNG regulation systems on Fleet vehicles and industrial generators to make them run on natural gas.
In 2012, after a change in the Government of India policy, he wound down the business, sold his share to his partners and appeared for the GMAT in 2013. Since then he has been applying to business schools and ducking the final admission! A part time gig at a friend's MBA prep agency changed into a full time profession as he discovered the joy of teaching. Having earlier visited China on two occasions for business, he is madly bullish about this country and is enthusiastic to make waves here.
教学课程:SAT Math and Verbal Instruction
Yiting joined Prep Zone upon graduating from the Graduate School of Education, University of California, Los Angeles. With a special interest in Linguistics and Second Language Education, she hopes to help people learn English easier, faster and happier through her work at Prep Zone.
During her education in China, she always remained a top student. In high school, she was exempted from Gaokao, China’s College Entrance Examination, by Nanjing University. She also earned a government-supported exchange opportunity to U.S. with her top GPA in the English Department of Nanjing University. She took a wide range of standard English tests, both domestic and abroad. She extensively studied various English textbooks and has actively involved in English language and test preparation tutoring since college.
Yiting loves to learn new things and finds herself alive through new challenges. She enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking and farm working. In leisure time, she usually reads books or sometimes practices instrumental ensemble with friends to have fun.
介绍:Michael Custer来自历史悠久,地域并不大的特拉华州。他以优等成绩毕业于纽约大学,获得主修国际关系,辅修非洲研究和法语的学士学位。在纽约大学,他对冒险渴望得到满足。他曾参与国际项目前往加纳和巴黎学习。在纽约时,他也是纽约大学冰上曲棍球队一员。
大学毕业后,他在Prep Zone迪拜工作了一年。在迪拜,他帮助了学生准备广泛的备考科目,其中有TOEFL,SAT,SAT 2,GRE,GMAT和SSAT。此外他也曾担任咨询师一职,帮助学生申请美国顶尖学校。他曾帮助过迪拜中心的学生获得录取的顶尖学校有哈佛大学和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校。
迪拜工作一年后,他为自己找到了新的挑战。他成为了上海深圳星腾科(Think Tank Learning)教育留学顾问。在星腾科,他遇到了许多不同教育背景的中国学生,帮助他们取得他们的教育目标。他曾帮助过的中国学生获取录取的顶尖学校有宾夕法尼亚大学,哥伦比亚大学,密歇根大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校和南加利福尼亚大学。
他对教育充满热情,因为他由衷地相信在世界上,教育能帮助人们获得积极的改变和进步。在Prep Zone上海,他希望帮助他的学生不仅取得他们教育的梦想,并给与他们对他们一生都有帮助的建议和启发。
介绍:Maciej 在取得机械工程学位之后曾在数家公司任职:包括参与设计一条位于纽约中央车站地下100公尺的地铁线路;创造一种排风系统,可以用来中和并分解生化武器;在加利福尼亚工作期间,作为一家公司的生产部经理,他设计制造出高性能的赛车刹车。而后他转向工程设计与销售部门。Maciej试过学习冲浪,但是没学成一个冲浪大师。