聚培训 > 沈阳芝加哥 > 沈阳芝加哥名师







介绍:Eloisa R. Toribio
1. Graduated from the number one state university and received scholarship grants.
2.   Attended Professional Development Trainings for School Administrators and Teachers, and traveled to less than 20 countries. Study in U.K. (short course) through a scholarship grant..
3. Worked in some Asian countries as an ESL (English Second Language) and other subjects teacher for thirty (30) years.
4.  Can speak at least 5 languages: Thai, Malay, Spanish, Chinese and English.
5. Teacher in international schools: Shenyang (American) International School, Korean International School, Canadian International School, Chinese universities and Language Centers. Since year 2002.
6. Conducted trainings and workshops to Chinese teachers all over China.
7. Formerly a member of International School of China under LDI based in Georgia, USA..
8. Experienced teachers from Pre-K to Adults, foreigners and Chinese.
9.Some of former students are studying and working in other countries, USA, UK, Australia, etc.
10.Developed ESL (English Second Language) and Language Arts curriculum used by over 100 teachers in China and around the world (Rubicon International Atlas- USA)
11.Commended by administrators and leaders for effectively handling students with special needs and learning disabilities.
12.Evasluated highly by administrators and co staff in professionalism, excellent teaching instructions effectiveness and fostering meaningful relationships with parents, students and school staff.
13.Commended as self-motivated, hard worker and loving teacher and co worker.




介绍:Miss Ning Jiang (Amanda) graduated from the University of Surrey ,England where she received Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality. She has specialised in teaching Toefl and Ielts as well as Oral English for many years. Some of her students have earned perfect scores on the Toefl and Ielts Tests. Amanda is outgoing, responsible and humorous. Her beautiful smile symbolizes her the best and she is very popular with the students. Amanda姜宁老师,永远是那么的满怀笑颜。曾经留学英伦的她,吸收了西方的先进文化。她自信,开朗,幽默,课堂中永远充满着活泼的气氛。在芝加哥任教多年,主攻托福,雅思项目,成人英语口语培训,面试培训以及企业英语培训。 




介绍:教师 持有国际英语教学资格证,在美国芝加哥取得英语文学硕士学位,课堂教学风趣幽默,深受学生喜爱,对于教授英语作为第二语言,Riaz有着近十年的经验。他曾任教于全球多个国家,有着丰富的雅思、托福培训经验,其广博的知识让学生每节课都受益匪浅。 Riaz Ten years of teaching experience in teaching English as a second language. He received his Master Degree in English Literature in 1994 in Chicago and has become an English teacher since 1997. He started his teaching career in China in 2001 and has worked in many universities. He has gained his popularity among students by giving interesting classes. Sharing his knowledge and expertise with students. This is very important to him.




介绍:Born in North Carolina, I moved to Saint Louis at the age of five. For the next twenty two years I would call this place home. After graduating from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2004, I began pursuing a career in business, which led me to many unique ventures from opening a restaurant to working in banking and real estate. Seeking new opportunities, my wife and I decided that we should spend some time in China to learn about its long history and experience its culture. Here, I found a passion for helping people through teaching. I’m fortunate enough to be able to aid students in accomplishing their dreams; to me, there is no greater reward. From passing interviews at prestigious high schools and universities to receiving high scores on the TOEFL and SAT, my students’ successes and failures have also been my own. If our paths cross, and you and I chance upon each other as student and teacher, then I assure you I will do my best to assist you in obtaining your aspirations. I only hope that my students work hard and try their best at whatever it is they do.




Graduated from Liaoning University, majored in English, certified class A English teaching qualification by the national education Department. Over 10 years of teaching experience. Once employed as teaching supervisor in Guan Ya Education Group Ltd. She was in charge of the VIP teaching department and for many times she held the post of judge for the national English-speaking competitions. Her students got many prizes in these competitions. Strict, sturdy, attentive and firm would be the best to describe her teaching style. She was chosen for many times to participate in the training programs of national Oxford English teaching conferences in Shanghai. Knowing well of the emphasis to the junior school entrance examinations, she was chosen to be editor of "150 passages of English Reading Comprehension." and "Oxford English Emphasis on High School Entrance examinations". Her students Zhang Xinya, Liu Zining, Xie Xintong and 20 more successfully entered Dongbei Yucai School headquarter, and many others entered class A high schools such as Liaoning Experimental School, No.2 High school, No.4 High school and so on.




介绍:Hello, students and parents! My name is Jeremy Scott. I’m from Dallas, Texas. I have a B.A. in Asian Studies. I’ve lived in China for over six years. I have spent nearly all of my time in Shenyang. I’m preparing to enter my second year of teaching at Chicago International English. I have been working in the Guan Ya Education Group for more than five years. My classroom philosophy is to have fun, create an immersive English language environment where everyone feels comfortable using their language skills and pushing my students to succeed in improving their language skills. In my spare time I enjoy surfing (most extreme sports), reading, writing stories, studying languages, traveling, working out and playing video games.




介绍: Studied in Dalian University of Foreign Languages before going to London, and earned her degree at the University of Bedfordshire in Leisure Management. Lived in the UK for over 8 years, she believes that mixing Oriental and Western ways of thinking creates the best educational method. Her teaching styles emphasizes “Thinking in English” as an effective way to approach language learning. 曾就读于大连外国语学院,于2006年获得贝德福德郡大学休闲管理学士学位。潇潇老师主张将传统的中式教育与开放式的西方教育相结合,融会贯通。纯正的英国口音及具有英国特色的教育方式是她的最大特点。通过在英国八年的学习和生活,总结出“学会用英文思考”是一种很有效的全面提高运用英语能力的途径。




介绍:Hi there, I am Chloe. I got my Bachlor’s Degree from Sunderland Unversity majored in Business Studies. And then I got my Mater’s Degree from De Montfort Universtiy majored in International Business and Management. I spent about another two years working and travelling in the UK after my study. I am a very positive person. I enjoy learning and teaching a lot. And I love working here a lot as well.




介绍:初晓旭:文学硕士,毕业于东北大学外国语学院实用语言学及应用语言学专业,主攻典籍研究,社会语言学及中西文化对比研究方向。现主教雅思、托福、SAT阅读写作,SLEP及SSAT,拥有十六余年英语教学经验,并形成自己独特的快速阅读技巧及综合写作教学方法,课堂学术性氛围浓厚,对学生有耐心和责任心。 Grace Chu, Arts Master Degree, graduated from Northeast University, majoring in pragmatic and applied linguistics. With sixteen-year well-founded teaching experience, I, as a patient and responsible teacher, have formed a unique scanning skill and integrated writing teaching method with academic aura in the class