闻道教育简介 闻道教育(We Do Education)提供专业的雅思、托福、SAT等留学语言考试培训。自创办以来,闻道教育以“提升语言能力,成就学员梦想”为己任,秉承“有心有爱才有教学(We Teach,We Care)”的办学理念,在业内独创“一流师资+九鼎服务”的教学服务流程和标准,并将此贯彻到每一个细节之中。 闻道教育选拔和培训具备深厚专业底蕴和强烈责任心的教师,潜心研究考试规律,为学员制定专属教学计划、课外辅导计划和考前冲刺计划,提供严格的过程监督和反馈,馈赠代报名、模考、考前点题、陪考等服务,真诚关注每一位学员的成长。至今,闻道教育已成功助力上千名学子实现留学梦想。 闻道教育(We Do Education)提供专业的雅思、托福、SAT、ACT等留学语言考试培训。自创办以来,闻道教育以“提升语言能力,成就学员梦想”为己任,秉承“有心有爱才有教学(We Teach,We Care)”的办学理念,在业内独创“一流师资+九鼎服务”的教学服务流程和标准。并将此贯彻到每一个细节之中。 闻道教育选拔和培训具备深厚专业底蕴和强烈责任心的教师,潜心研究考试规律,为学员制定专属教学计划、课外辅导计划和考前冲刺计划,提供严格的过程监督和反馈,馈赠代报名、模考、考前点题、陪考等服务,真诚关注每一位学员的成长。至今,闻道教育已成功助力上千名学子实现留学梦想。 We Do Education was founded by a group of elites and experts in English language training, providing training services for students who aspire to pass examinations for overseas study, such as T0EFL, IELTS, SAT, SSAT, A-LEVEL, T0EFL Junior. We also provide customized group training for panies. Following the spirit of an old Chinese adage “0ne might have learned the doctrine earlier than the other, or might have mastered expertise in his own special field”, we put forward our philosophy of education, which is “returning to the essence of education and letting educational experts conduct research-based teaching.” i.e. getting away from the exam-oriented teaching style popular at many Chinese training schools and focusing instead on improving test scores by improving linguistic petence. We pride ourselves on hiring only the best qualified teachers and tutors who are mitted to helping students improve petency. By providing professional tutoring and focusing on outstanding teaching outes, We Do Education has quickly risen to the top of the industry. 0ur training services have helped hundreds of students achieve high scores in their examinations and helped trainees from tens of panies reach their targets in English learning. We believe that only when we love our students and care about their learning outes can we really ensure good teaching performance. With a responsible attitude, we provide each of our students with individualized study plans, excellent training programs, and guided supervision. High scores in exams are important; however, munication skills are what is required to succeed abroad. After finishing our training, our students can not only get high scores in exams but also improve language skills so that they are better able to pursue their dreams and strive for a bright future in a new environment and culture.
公司名称:武汉闻道教育咨询有限公司 - 武汉培训机构
介绍: 闻道教育创始人、原国内某大型培训机构教育总监、校长助理,雅思阅读、托福语法、托福阅读、SAT语法讲师,英国南安普顿大学硕士学位,8年教龄,丰富的海外学习和工作经历和对西方文化的深入了解使其在教学中形成了自己独到的优势。...
介绍: 原国内某大型培训结构北美教学与研发中心主管,托福写作、SAT写作首席讲师,雅思写作主讲,8年教龄。获上外高级口译和厦门大学口译证书。曾在国际足联武汉考察团、AFC Vision Asia计划、ICPD大会等大型活动中担任口译。凭借扎实的英文功底和严谨的教学风格,创造了优异的教学成绩,其手下的高分学员不计其数。...
介绍: 闻道教育雅思托福听力讲师,拥有极其扎实的英语功底,标准流利的美式口音,5年教龄。教学风格风趣幽默,善于和学生互动、调动课堂气氛。潜心研究考试命题规律和趋势,具有丰富的教研心得和高度的责任心。...
介绍: 闻道教育托福、雅思口语讲师,9年教龄。自信、乐观、富有亲和力;有着丰富的教学经验和知性的教学风格;酷爱英语、热爱教育事业的性格让她十分注重在教学中和学生的互动,并且乐于帮助学生在不断的进步中建立学习英语的信心。...
介绍: 闻道教育雅思口语、听力讲师,毕业于悉尼麦考瑞大学,7年教龄。有着丰富的海外留学和生活经历,口语流利、语音纯正。授课风格轻松幽默,善于捕捉学生的特点,通过趣味、贴切的讲解使学生在快乐的氛围中提高英语水平。...
介绍: 闻道教育雅思托福语法、词汇、阅读讲师,SAT词汇讲师,7年教龄,英语专业八级。授课经验丰富。教学形式多样、生动形象,富有激情和感染力。实际授课过程中能够将英语学习、生活、考试完美结合,旁征博引,融会贯通。...