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更新时间:2017-12-15 编辑:知乎者也 阅读:0 来源: 聚培训整理

导读:很多人对待21世纪的世界发展抱有乐观态度,认为从中可以看到积极有益的机会,你对此有何看法,今天聚培训小编就给大家介绍下雅思大作文范文:对21世纪目前的发展有什么态度。题目:Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or di



Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Now it seems this is not certain in that situation. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress?



Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



A hundred years ago, human race believed we would make continuous progress in all areas of life. Today, some people feel less certain about this. What areas of progress human race has made? What else areas we haven't developed?



1. 当然应该乐观,因为人类几千年来所共同存在的问题,如饥饿,环境破坏和疾病,都能通过21世纪的科技新突破完全根除。首先,新的生物农业技术带来的农业革命,如转基因食物,已经能够极大地增加农作物种植的范围,以及粮食的产量了,这能消灭全球粮食短缺的局面。

2. 此外,新能源技术的普及,如太阳能,已经能让人们获取一个完全免费的,绿色的,可再生的能源来源。它能避免排放,遏制全球气候变暖,减少大气污染和对于石油能源和煤矿的开采,最终让整个地球的发展可持续化。

3. 还有,生物医学在21世纪的突破能带来更好的诊断手段,药物,先进的设备和手术。还有,基因技术能有效地消除那些先天性疾病。


  9分范文 :

What attitudes should we have towards the 21th century, positive or negative? This has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, an optimistic mind among the public is reasonable, due to the development of modern science and technology, and my reasons will be explored as below.

In terms of four lasting and pressing social problems that exist for centuries, including starvation, pollution, disease and wars, there is no denying that advanced technologies of 21th century have found the root solutions for their eradication. Firstly, agricultural biotech largely improves the qualities of crops, for example, an increase of farming production, a decrease in use of fertilizers and herbicides, higher adaptability in extreme weathers and terrains, and better resistance against pests and illness. With these advantages, the total agricultural yield can be far beyond the global needs of food, and much lower costs of farming makes food affordable for everyone, thus completely eliminating the hunger, malnutrition and famines worldwide,

Secondly, pollution, an adverse result in industry age, can also be solved. For example, the running of 21th society mainly depends on new energies like solar power, instead of fossil fuels. Obviously, the process of generating power by solar technology is fully free from gas emission, which can plays a key role of preventing global warming. Besides, sunlight, the energy source of this new technology, is renewable every day, which means its wide application can inhibit human’s exploitation of natural resources like forests, coal, and fossil oil. Consequently, people in 21th century can witness and embrace a truly clean, green and healthy environment for living.

Thirdly, the fatal diseases will no longer concern human, thanks to the current and expected breakthroughs of biomedicine in the 21th century. For example, revolutionary procedures, substances and equipments, are substantially improving our health and extending our life expectancy. The most exciting innovation of medical science in 21th century is gene engineering. Specifically, human genome mapping, testing and manipulating have just begun to demonstrate vast profound potentials in eliminating inherited diseases like asthma and AIDS, by detecting, replacing and repairing those defective genes.

In conclusion, in 21th century driven by advanced technologies in fields of agriculture, energy and biomedicine, people can hold optimistic attitudes for the future, for the reasons that there will be more positive changes and scientific breakthroughs making human happier and healthier.





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