导读:托福阅读考试前考生需要积累大量的素材资料,现在信息传播越来越广泛,很多重要信息我们可能没有精力去接触,那么如果出现在自己的托福阅读考试中,大家能否快速的理解文章内容呢?以下是小编为大家整理的托福阅读资料:全球近半数家长想送孩子留学,供大家学习。HSBC has good news for teenagers who
HSBC has good news for teenagers who want to get far, far away from their parents.
A new survey published by the bank shows that 42% of parents would consider sending their kids abroad for college, up from 35% in 2016.
Interest in an international education -- which can be very expensive -- has increased in almost all of the 15 countries and territories included in the survey.
Parents in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates were the most enthusiastic, with a majority in each saying they would consider sending their kids abroad for college.
British, Australian and French parents were less keen, with only 17% to 22% expressing an interest in international study. The figure was 36% among American parents.
Parents said the US was the most desirable place for their kids to study, followed by Australia and the UK.
Some families could be in for major sticker shock -- especially if they've set their sights on an American education.
HSBC said that international parents expect tuition at US colleges to be $11,000 a year or less. In reality, the tuition costs are closer to $33,000 a year.
The bank said that total costs over four years, including living expenses, average more than $180,000 at major US universities.
International students typically pay full tuition at American universities.
Here are a few more key numbers from the study:
- 60% of parents said they'd be open to having their child complete a degree that is either completely or partly online.
- 60%的父母称,他们可以接受让孩子通过完全或部分在线的方式完成学位。
- 68% of parents said they are confident their kid will get a great job, with Indians being the most optimistic at 85%. That number drops to only 36% among parents in France.
- 68%的父母称,他们相信自己的孩子能找到一份好工作,其中印度人最乐观,85%的印度人有这种信心。只有36%的法国父母这么认为。
- 93% of Chinese parents said they have paid for private tuition or tutoring, the highest of any country. Only 23% of British parents said they've done the same.
- 93%的中国父母表示,他们支付了家教费或补习班费,这是所有国家中比例最高的。只有23%的英国父母自称做了同样的事。
The HSBC report surveyed nearly 8,500 parents in 15 countries and territories.