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更新时间:2017-12-17 编辑:知乎者也 阅读:0 来源: 聚培训整理

导读:例子确实是起到支持作用的,因此例子是一种重要论据,但是很多学生不知道的是,例子到底应该支持些什么。今天聚培训小编就给大家介绍下真题讲解托福写作中例子怎么写才不会泛泛而谈。我们来看一道题目:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?It is important to know events from all over the world even if t



  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?

  It is important to know events from all over the world even if they areunlikely to have any effects on your daily life.

这是一道很经典的老题了,曾经多次出现在北美及大陆的考题中(如070429, 141018等)。我们首先依旧从不同的角度分析一下这道题:从题目类别上来说,这道题可以归属为个人生活类题目,并且题目并没有明确地限定“people”的具体内容;从答题角度来看,这道题可以归类为利弊分析型题目,无论是否同意,考生重点需要论述的是“通晓世界大事”的利与避;从题目内容中看,让步状语从句的存在让整个题干变得不是那么单纯,很明显对题干中的“events”进行一个加强:题目中的events不仅仅指普通的events, 更指那些可能对我们生活没有任何影响的事件。


First of all,knowing these events can make us more popular at work or in school. It is obviousthat our horizons can be broadened more and our insights towards differentthings can be much deeper. Gradually, we can have a large stock of knowledge.When chatting with others, we can easily find topics to avoid awkward silenceand make others feel that we are knowledgeable. So they will be more ready tocommunicate with us. For example, my cousin usually likes to pay attention to current affairs.When his classmates ask him some events, he can always help them analyze thewhole events. So his classmates all like him very much. In contrast, if we know nothing with the events that happen all overthe world, it may be difficult for us to find things to talk, so few peoplewill be willing to have a conversation with us. (142 words)

抛开语言不谈,我们来仔细分析一下上面段落的结构。相比于刚刚看到的(真题讲解托福写作举例论证到底怎么用)另一个考生的段落,我们能够清晰地看出,这位考生的段落层次是很清晰的,在连接词的使用上也是清晰、灵活且正确的:First of all, … It is obviousthat … Gradually, … So … For example, …So … In contrast, if …, will … 如上这些衔接方式把整个段落分成了四个层次,该考生整个段落的写作思路也非常的简单明了:中心句-解释(因果论证)-举例-对比/假设,尽管最后的对比/假设稍显啰嗦。



乍一看,我们会觉得这个例子是扣题准确的,因为它基本回应了前面的几句论述。但细想下其实有些地方还是不太对的,哪里呢?请注意几个字眼:… pay attention to currentaffairs … some events … analyze the whole events … 这几个字给人些什么感觉?无疑有种说了跟没说似的感觉:什么affair?哪件event?怎么分析的?为什么就被喜欢了呢?显然这种缺乏细节的例子会让人有种感觉叫做,把前面的论述套上了cousin重新倒了一遍车轱辘话的感觉。


  Sample 2:

For example, my cousin usuallylikes to pay attention to current affairs, such as theUS presidential election and the latest progression of Syrian Wars. Eventhough these affairs seem to be far away from our life, he could clearly elaborate and analyze the backgrounds, reasons and effects ofthese events. Thanks to this, he gains a great deal of popularity and admiration in his school and even his teachers are willing to discuss relevant events withhim.


First of all, knowing these events can make us more popular at work or inschool. It is obvious that our horizons can be broadened more and our insightstowards different things can be much deeper. So when chatting with others, wecan easily find topics to avoid awkward silence and make others feel that weare knowledgeable. For example, my cousin usually likes to pay attention tocurrent affairs, such as the US presidential election and the latestprogression of Syrian Wars. Even though these affairs seem to be far away from ourlife, he could clearly elaborate and analyze thebackgrounds, reasons and effects of these events. Thanks to this, hegains a great deal of popularity and admiration in hisschool and even his teachers are willing todiscuss relevant events with him. That is to say, being well-informed brings more benefits other thanbeing well-informed itself. (150 words)

  希望考生们能够不仅会用for example, 更能用对exemplification。







聚培训托福考试网为您整理托福作文万能句子,希望可以帮到您。托福作文万能句子一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的







