导读:2014年8月23日托福考试口语真题介绍“课上吃零食”。题目中提到“课上吃零食的利弊”。2014年8月23日托福考试口语真题针对这个问题,给大家清晰的剖析答题思路和范文。接下来聚培训托福考试小编就为大家整理了解析内容。题目:What the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to
What the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to eat in class? Please include specific details in your response.
I'd like to list two advantages and two disadvantages of allowing students to eat in class. For advantages, eating in classes can help student to refillenergy in time, which is necessary for study is quite anenergy-consuming task. Moreover, students can also get a little bit relaxation by having some delicious food or snacks, releasingthe stress in class. For disadvantages, firstly it can be a distraction for both thestudents eating and the other students who may hear the soundof chewing or the smell of food. Secondly, it may disturb theteachers and the class may not proceed well when teachers seetheir students eating.