要点1:gain weight。
要点2:lose weight。
例子2:reindeer 冬天吃得少,消耗能量少。
The professor talks about two ways animals in polar region can survive the winter days. The first way is to gain bodyweight. Take squirrels as an example. To survive the freezing day during winter, squirrels get prepared by overeating. They just stay in the caves in the ground without much moving. In this way, squirrels can handle the harsh living conditions and get through winter. The second way is to lose weight. Reindeer is a case in point. During the winter days, reindeers usually eat a lot less and they move around they do not have to expend too much energy with a lighter bodyweight. In this way, reindeers can survive the cold winter too. The two examples show how animals in polar region survive the winter days. (128 words)