1. 学费太贵,需要贷款,而且工资很低。
2. 工作任务重、压力大。
3. 培训地点受到限制。
1. 培训项目可以为医生提供奖学金。
2. 护士可以分担医生的一些工作,减轻医生的工作量。
3. 医生有机会到不同的医院去培训。
The reading and listening discuss about the reductionof primary care doctors. The passage mentions three reasons to explain the reductionof the primary care doctors. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three pointspresented in the passage.
Firstly, theprofessor rebuts the reading's idea that students majoring in primary care canhardly pay off the loans and are often low paid when they become primary caredoctors. The professor claims that a national program can help to compensatetheir loan. According to the policy, after graduation, students can apply forgoing to the remote area to practice. And such experiences can be used to coverloans. What's more, by doing so, some students are lucky to gain scholarship.
Secondly, theprofessor contradicts reading's statement that primary care doctors tend tosuffer from high stress and heavy workload. The professor mentions that the governmentwill cultivate advanced degree nurses who are able to share some of the workloadof the primary care doctors, such as the jobs related to prescriptionmedications and caring.
At last, thepassage states that opportunities to get training are not even. However, theprofessor explains that uneven assigning the recourses results in uneven distributionof opportunities to get trained. And the government has realized this problemand will take actions to reassign the resources every three years among differenthospitals.