综合作文:在旧金山和洛杉矶之间建造high-speed train
2)环节traffic congestion,建了轨道之后人们会选择轨道交通,拥堵会缓解。
3)one of the most environmentally friendly form if transportation。
1)新建轨道非常贵,加利福尼亚政府需要borrow one hundred million,相当于政府年收入的75%,hardto pay back alone。
2)人们是否会选择轨道交通depend on去车站是否方便,东海岸公交系统发达,去车站很方便,但西海岸公交交通不便,去车站也不便,人们可能会改变交通方式。
3)货车不能cover所有地区,有的地方不能high-speed,所以火车还是和regular train—样,所以并不能fuel efficient。
In the lecture, the professor is skeptical about the idea of the reading passage that the high-speed rail lines benefits people in US. The professor argues that the benefits are not as obvious as reading suggests.
Firstly, in the reading passage, high-speed railway will save money spent maintaining the roads, which can be very expensive. On the contrary, the professor says that compared maintaining the roads, building high-speed rail lines costs more. Government in California has to borrow 100 million, which takes up 75% of annual fiscal avenue, and it is hard to pay back alone.
Secondly, the professor opposes reading's idea that more citizens will choose to take high-speed train, which can relieve traffic congestion by stating that whether people will choose to take high-speed train depends on whether it is convenient for them to go to train station. People need driving to the train station first, which is not contributing to solve traffic jams.
Finally, the professor disapproves the reading's idea that this means of transportation is one of the most environmentally friendly forms, because it is fuel-efficient while the train is running at a high speed. The professor points out that the railway cannot cover all the areas, and somewhere in California is speed-limited, so there is nothing different from regular trains.