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导读:2014年2月28日北美托福考试写作真题介绍“现代人更乐于助人”。题目中提到“现在人们更愿意帮助那些他们不认识的人”。2014年2月28日北美托福考试写作真题针对这个问题,给大家清晰的剖析答题思路和范文。接下来聚培训托福考试小编就为大家整理了解析内容。题目:Do you agr



Do you agree or disagree that nowadays people are more willing to help the people who they don't know (For example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.


As society develops and civilization moves forward, one would expect to see more and more acts of kindness between strangers. We would all like to think that people are growing more compassionate as humanity advances. However, this is not the reality we live in. Compared to the past, I think today's people are less willing to help people they don't know.

Firstly, more and more people live in big cities nowadays. Big cities train us to stop seeing others as human beings. We encounter hundreds of people just taking the subway in the morning to work or school. Most of them just fade into the background. Others may stand out as obstacles: the person who doesn't let you pass on the escalator, or the beggar who asks you for money every time you're walking home tired from work. Most of the time we are desensitized to those around us. As a result, fewer and fewer people are willing to help strangers.

Secondly, people have to work harder for less money nowadays, so they're much less willing to part with their hard-earned cash. For one thing, there's the recent economic recession—a lot of people were recently laid off their jobs. Those that could find jobs often had to settle for menial work outside of their preferred fields. So when people struggling to make ends meet are asked to help others, they may react negatively. In fact, I often see people lashing out at beggars on the streets. “I earned my money. Go work for yours!” This type of harsh mentality probably stems from the financial difficulties people have been facing lately.

Granted, sometimes people today do demonstrate kindness towards others. However, this is only really prevalent in smaller communities where people are more familiar with each other. For instance, the other day, I forgot to bring my wallet while grocery shopping, and the owner of the store told me I could just pay her back later. I am a regular customer at the store; if I were a stranger, I wouldn't have gotten the same treatment, since no store owner would trust a complete stranger to pay them back later.

People today are desensitized to others. Due to recent economic troubles, they're also more likely to be only looking after their own interests. Small acts of kindness may still be found here and there, but only if people are at least somewhat acquainted.









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