导读:一年一度的“双11”即将到来,国家发改委前天专门召开“双11”电子商务领域信用建设工作会议,强化电商促销中的“信用问题”。本文小编就和大家分享一下托福新闻词汇:500家电商进失信黑名单。The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is now working with other departme
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is now working with other departments to exercise special governance on serious dishonesty in e-commerce ahead of Nov 11, when the e-commerce frenzy kicks off.
So far, some 6,440 enterprises have been named on a blacklist shared on the national credit information sharing platform, 500 of which have been announced on creditchina.gov.cn as the first batch.
发改委还组织第三方机构对"双11"活动期间各主要电商平台的相关承诺兑现情况进行数据跟踪与测评分析,委托信用服务机构在产品质量(product quality)、产品销售与服务(product sales and service)、产品价格(product price)、物流服务(logistics)等环节开展信用监测,以完善电子商务领域信用记录(to improve credit records of e-commerce)。
credit records 信用记录
credit rating system 信用评分系统
national enterprise credit data bank 国家企业信用数据库
consumer and business credit scoring 消费者和商业信用评分
credit risks 信用风险