Reading: Arizona发现一个200 million years前的虫子的巢化石fossil,很多人认为是蜂巢,但是这个是不可信的。
1 200百万年前还么有蜜蜂,哪里来的蜂巢。
2 200百万年前连flowering plants都没有,怎么会有需要吃花蜜的蜜蜂。
3 现代蜜蜂的巢都有个盖子,那个化石没有,所以这个巢很可能是其他虫子的。
1 没有发现有200百万年前的蜜蜂化石不代表没有200百万年前的蜜蜂,那时候蜜蜂筑巢的树比较难留下来,所以没有化石也正常。
2 古时候的蜜蜂就一定要吃花蜜吗,他们不能吃nonflowering plants吗。
3 没有cap可能因为化学原因,腐蚀掉了什么的,再说为什么要跟modern bee一样呢。
A nest fossil of some kind of bugs was found in Arizona, which was 200 million years old. Many people claim that the nest belongs to bees, but it's unbelievable according to the reading material. The passage states three reasons for its point. First of all, there were no bees in 200 million years ago, how come the hive appeared. It makes no sense for bee hive existing without bees.
Secondly, the bees needed to feed on nectar; however, there were no flowering plants 200 million years ago, so the bees could not survive without food source.
Finally, since the modern bee hives are all with caps, but this nest has no cap. So it probably belongs to other insects rather than bees.
To the contrary, the listening material totally disagrees with the reading passage.
To begin with, failing to find any bee fossils doesn't mean there are no bees. Because the trees on which bees nested were hard to preserve, it's reasonable that no fossils can be found.
Furthermore, the ancient bees might not feed on nectar. Their food sources might be no flowering plants. So even there are no flowering plants, there might be bees alive.
Finally, it may be the chemical reason that the nest fossil has no cap, such as eroding. Moreover, the ancient bees could be quite different from the modern bees, so their hives might not have caps originally.