阅读标题:wait list program
一些课程的报名人数已满后,可以将那些对该课程感兴趣的学生放到wait list 上,如果有学生放弃该课程,则wait list 上的学生可以参加。
听力态度: 觉得设置该项目帮助不大
原因1:就算wait list 的学生能够加入,也是在开课一两周之后,可能跟不上课程的进度。
The university is planning to open a wait list program for students in order to offering a chance for those who are interested in the course. Also it is a good way for university to know the popularity of the course. The man totally disagrees with this idea. For one, he points out that dropping out always happens after one week the course begins, so people who study from that time may feel hard to follow up with the professor and it is really not easy for them to prepare. Also, it is because the right timing or the certain professor why the student choose the course, and those may possibly be changed next semester. As a result, it is hard for university to judge whether the course is popular or not. Considering this two reasons, the man doesn’t think it is a good idea.