导读:在托福阅读中,一篇文章后会有12-14道不等的题目需要考生去回答。这些题目所涵盖的题型和回答要点也因文章的内容不同而有所差异。考生在考试的过程中,往往会出现对文章理解不到位或时间紧迫而造成的低分现象。但总体来说,拿捏好阅读的题型,攻克其失分的关键,才是阅读制胜的关键。 本文小编
在托福阅读中,一篇文章后会有12-14道不等的题目需要考生去回答。这些题目所涵盖的题型和回答要点也因文章的内容不同而有所差异。考生在考试的过程中,往往会出现对文章理解不到位或时间紧迫而造成的低分现象。但总体来说,拿捏好阅读的题型,攻克其失分的关键,才是阅读制胜的关键。 本文小编为大家带来托福阅读句子简化题的错误选项特点分析。
Smart marketers should be less concerned with whether U.S. and European consumers are alike and more concerned with monitoring the variety of factors that account for potential similarities and differences. Attention to the dynamic nature of those factors will produce opportunities for the alert markerter.
Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A: a marketer who is not so smart should be more concerned with the difference of eating habits between U.S. and European consumers and less concerned with monitoring the variety of factors that account for potential similarities and differences.
B: It is not important whether U.S. and European consumers have a similar eating habit. It is the potential similarities and differences that people should be more concerned with.
C: Marketers should focus on the factors that account for differences rather than the differences themselves.
D: Monitoring the variety of foods could explain the potential similarities and differences.