略举例性信息。首先要能够判断出什么样的信息是举例:1.有明显的for example, for instance, such as等表示举例的标志词;2.涉及到具体的国家、人名、地名等信息;一旦具备上述两个特点中的任何一个,即为举例,在阅读的时候即可粗略阅读,因为即使是ETS的细节题,也不会具体到问以下哪个国家不属于Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚国家。另外,在托福阅读中例子的主要功能是支持观点,只要能读懂例子之前的观点即可。
着重转折之后的信息。此类信息一般都会有but, however作为标志词,尤其是however, 一般前后都用逗号隔开,比较好认。转折一般会强调后面的信息,甚至全盘否定之前的错误观点或理论,因而关注转折之后的信息能帮我们快速把握文章要点。
略读“伪”利器:略读插入语、括号里面表示解释说明的信息。这是我从学生那里听来的某些老师传授的伪利器。之所以是“伪利器”,原因在于: 第一,插入语除了表示解释说明,还有可能表示强调,有可能会出考点。插入语的正确处理方法应该是先跳读,保证句子完整性,再回读。第二,括号里面的内容多是解释说明,有些时候是为了解释前面的专有名词或者我们不认识的单词,这个时候详读括号里面的信息反而能帮助我们理解文章。所以,插入语、括号内容这两个略读“伪利器”大家使用要慎重,否则受伤的是自己。
废话不多说,直接看如何具体操作。以下为TPO 18-1 原文,文中用删除线标识的地方,即为大家可粗略阅读的内容。略读的原因在批注中有详细说明,请大家仔细阅读批注。
Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia
Paragraph 1:
While some European countries, such as England and Germany, [w1] began to industrialize in the eighteenth century, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden [w2] developed later. All four of these countries lagged considerably behind in the early nineteenth century. [w3] However, they industrialized rapidly in the second half of the century, especially in the last two or three decades. [w4] In view of their later start and their lack of coal—undoubtedly the main reason they were not among the early industrializers—[w5]it is important to understand the sources of their success.
Paragraph 2:
All had small populations. At the beginning of the nineteenth century,Denmark and Norway had fewer than 1 million people, while Sweden and the Netherlands had fewer than 2.5 million inhabitants. [w6] All exhibited moderate growth rates in the course of the century (Denmark the highest and Sweden the lowest), [w7] but all more than doubled in population by 1900. Density varied greatly. The Netherlands had one of the highest population densities in Europe, whereas Norway and Sweden had the lowest Denmark was in between but closer to the Netherlands. [w8]
Paragraph 3:
Considering human capital as a characteristic of the population, [w9] however, all four countries were advantaged by the large percentages of their populations who could read and write. In both 1850 and 1914, the Scandinavian countries had the highest literacy rates in Europe, or in the world, and the Netherlands was well above the European average.[w10]This fact was of enormous value in helping the national economies find their niches in the evolving currents of the international economy.
Paragraph 4:
Location was an important factor for all four countries. All had immediate access to the sea, and this had important implications for a significant international resource, fish, as well as for cheap transport, merchant marines, and the shipbuilding industry. Each took advantage of these opportunities in its own way.
[w11] :The people of the Netherlands, with a long tradition of fisheries and mercantile shipping, had difficulty in developing good harbors suitable for steamships: eventually they did so at Rotterdam and Amsterdam, with exceptional results for transit trade with Germany and central Europe and for the processing of overseas foodstuffs and raw materials (sugar, tobacco, chocolate, grain, and eventually oil). Denmark also had an admirable commercial history, particularly with respect to traffic through the Sound (the strait separating Denmark and Sweden). In 1857, in return for a payment of 63 million kronor from other commercial nations, Denmark abolished the Sound toll dues the fees it had collected since 1497 for the use of the Sound. This, along with other policy shifts toward free trade, resulted in a significant increase in traffic through the Sound and in the port of Copenhagen.
批注研读完之后,相信大家能清晰地了解略读如何操作,大家可以拿TPO 18-1后两段实战操作一下,得到一个好的方法之后要亲自实战应用,因为实践是检验真理的唯一标准,真正自己应用过才知道是否对自己有效。
[w1]:标志词such as。
[w5]:注意:有些老师在教课的时候会说插入语也要略读,对此不是很认同,插入语的阅读方法应该是先跳读保证句子的完整性,然后再回读。因为插入语往往会补充说明一些信息, 可能会有考点,这里的插入语就有出题,详见该篇阅读第一题。
[w6]:有明显的数字,是数据性信息,为了进一步说明N&S 这些国家的人口数量小,可略读。