导读:厉害了!贵州造马桶盖竟被外国人“抢”,月销上万套!还上了美国的“王牌”电视节目!本文小编就和大家分享一下托福新闻词汇:"中国造马桶盖"风靡欧美。中国造马桶盖made-in-China toilet seat请看例句:Wooden toilet seats made in China have become top selling items in Europe and the US, due to th
made-in-China toilet seat
Wooden toilet seats made in China have become top selling items in Europe and the US, due to their creative and functional design, dongjingguizhou, a public WeChat account, reported.
两年前,国人去日本旅游疯抢马桶盖曾经引起关注。就在两年后,局面出现大反转,欧美人开始"抢"中国造马桶盖(made-in-China toilet seat)了!这种热销马桶盖由贵州某公司用竹子、稻草秸秆(straw stalk)等当地优质原料(high-quality local raw materials)制造,用生物胶水充当粘合剂(bio-glues as binding agents),不仅有创意还很环保(environmentally friendly)。从浮雕到3D图案(from reliefs to 3D designs),这些马桶盖的图案超过5000种。这种中国造马桶盖风靡欧洲市场(be a chic hit in the European market),年销量超过200万套(annual sales of over 2 million sets)。
然而在欧洲市场大受欢迎的个性化图案设计(personalized designs)在美国市场却遇到了困难。但公司及时将设计方向从创意变为实用(adjust the creative design into a functional one),产品在美国市场也深受好评(be well-received)。美国版产品的特色是可供成人和儿童共同使用的子母马桶座圈(feature a 2-in-1 seat for both adults and children),且嵌入式的儿童座圈在不使用时可通过磁力吸附在马桶盖上(a built-in potty seat that secures magnetically onto the cover when not in use)。如今,美国人每年购买20多万套这款马桶盖,该公司还在美国建立了研发中心(research and development center)和销售公司。
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