导读: 下面的内容是2017年4月GRE填空每日练习题,GRE填空虽然主要考点是词汇,但这并不代表考生只靠词汇就能搞定所有填空难题。掌握一些除了词汇以外的解题技巧,能够帮助大家更高效准确地解决各类难题。 1.His calm exterior _____ the militant fervor with which he threw himself into the campaign. A. delineated
1.His calm exterior _____ the militant fervor with which he threw himself into the campaign.
A. delineated
B. reviled
C. falsified
D. ridiculed
E. belied
2.Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely _____ .
A. ridiculed
B. doubted
C. disseminated
D. promulgated
E. marginalized
F. disbelieved