导读: 为了便于大家学习和备考,聚培训会为大家整理每一场雅思考试真题及答案解析。本文聚培训为大家整理的是2017年4月22日雅思写作真题回忆,一起来了解一下此次雅思写作部分的考试内容。 小作文 题型 表格 题目 The chart below shows the percentage of people using internet for different activities in an U
题型 表格
题目 The chart below shows the percentage of people using internet for different activities in an UK city of year 2007 and 2009.
题材 媒体
题目 Advertising has many positive economic effects, but it also has some negative effects to the society, because it will make people feel dissatisfied about who they are and what they have.