导读: GRE数学考试真题及解析(1)!为了帮助考生有效的备考GRE考试,聚培训为大家精选了部分GRE数学考试真题及对应的答案解析,方便考生做完练习之后核对答案。 When the even integer n is divided by 7, the remainder is 3. Quantity A:The remainder when n is divided by 14. Quantity B:10 A. Quantity A is grea
When the even integer n is divided by 7, the remainder is 3.
Quantity A:The remainder when n is divided by 14.
Quantity B:10
A. Quantity A is greater.
B. Quantity B is greater.
C. The two quantities are equal.
D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.