导读: 教育类雅思题目是雅思考试的需要考生重点备考的写作题型之一,大家可以在不断的备考中进行提升,本文聚培训为大家分享的是教育类雅思写作范文:生长环境对处理问题的影响,一起来了解一下。 写作题目: Children who are brought up in families which have not amount of money are better prepared to deal wi
Children who are brought up in families which have not amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problem of adult life than children are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?
Role of family atmosphere in a child's development is a cause of concern. However, I disagree with the notion that children of poor families are better equipped in dealing with the challenges of adult life than those of rich families. No doubt, adversity is a good teacher of life, but rich parents can also prepare their children to face the problems of adult life by good education and good nurturing.
A child of poor family has more situations to solve a problem or make a decision as both parents are working to make both ends meet and children have to look after themselves. They realise the value of money as they have to live with the barest minimum and as a result they find it less difficult later on in life when they face financial challenges. In contrast, the children of wealthy families are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They are completely ignorant of the value of money as everything is provided for them in their youth and expect the same situation in adulthood.
On the other hand, children of rich families study in the best schools and get the best higher education. They can learn problem solving in such academic institutes. What is more, a wealthy child may be well trained by a parent who himself has a lot of knowledge of money. Such parents themselves know money management better and can pass on those skills to their children.
Life experiences also play a role. Children can have innate ability to face problems of life. They may have personality traits such as being optimistic, outgoing, confident and open-minded. Due to these abilities they can solve problems in a better way.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, a poor child may learn to get along without wealth and a wealthy child may be well trained by a parent to face hurdles of life by effective education. Therefore, I disagree that the economic situation of the family has a role in problem solving skills.