导读:本文小编为大家整理了2017年4月22日雅思写作真题回忆,小作文考查的是历年频率比较高的题表格题,而大作文则是以媒体类题材进行论述,所以对于考生们来说还是有一定难度的。小作文题型 表格题目 The chart below shows the percentage of people using internet for different activities in an UK city of year 2007 and 2009.重复考试日
题型 表格
题目 The chart below shows the percentage of people using internet for different activities in an UK city of year 2007 and 2009.
The bar chart compares the online activities people chose to do in a UK city in two particular years: 2007 and 2009.
It is clear that in the year 2007,a comparatively large percentage of people used the Internet for some practical purposes: with the largest proportion of netizens using the internet for shopping (approximately 43%), then next is to buy books with 38%, followed by booking and learning. By contrast, a small proportion of people used the Internet for entertainment, constituting 25% (with video games and TV representing 15% and 10% respectively).
In comparison, most of the activities attracted a larger rate of people in 2009, whereas shopping for books and learning experienced a marginal decrease,each accounting for 30% and 25%. In contrast, a significant growth can be seen in the calories of shopping, booking and watching TV, rising by around 10%.
Overall, the chart suggests that in the year 2009 online shopping was still the most popular online activity, while more people used the Internet for entertainment.
题材 媒体
题目 Advertising has many positive economic effects, but it also has some negative effects to the society, because it will make people feel dissatisfied about who they are and what they have.