导读: 聚培训小编为大家整理收集了2015年2月7日SSAT写作真题预测,本预测仅供参考,希望考生在仔细备考这些题目的同时,仔细按计划复习,最后祝各位考生取得好成绩! 1. How can we help the elderly in our community? 2. What I value most in life is... 3. Pretend you and your family could go any place you wanted for one day. Wh
1. How can we help the elderly in our community?
2. What I value most in life is...
3. Pretend you and your family could go any place you wanted for one day. Where would you go? What would you do?
4. The event that most changed my life was... Explain why.