导读: 雅思听力真题原文分享!本文聚培训为大家分享的是部分雅思听力原文,供大家进行雅思备考的过程中了解雅思听力部分的考试内容及考试难度。更多雅思备考资讯,欢迎关注聚培训雅思栏目。 1、MAN: Now,thinking about the room itself,we have anumber of options.You can have a single studybedroom or you can have a shared one
1、 MAN: Now,thinking about the room itself,we have anumber of options.You can have a single studybedroom or you can have a shared one.These areboth what we call simple rooms.The otheralternative is to opt for a single bedsit whichactually has more space and better facilities.There'sabout £20 a week difference between them.
WOMAN: Well,actually my grant is quite generousand I think the bedsit sounds the best option.
MAN: Lovely.I'll put you down for that and we'll see what availability is like.Now can I ask someother personal details which we like to have on record?
WOMAN: Yes,of course.
MAN: I wonder if you could let us know what your interests are.This might help us get a closermatch for placing you in a particular hall.
WOMAN: Ummm.Well.I love the theatre.
MAN: Right.
WOMAN: And I enjoy sports,particularly badminton.
MAN: That's worth knowing.Now,what we finish with on the form is really a list from you ofwhat your priorities are in choosing a hall and we'll do our best to take these into account.
WOMAN: Well,the first thing is I'd prefer a hall where there are other mature students,ifpossible.
MAN: Yes,we do have halls which tend to cater for slightly older students.
WOMAN: Ummm and I'd prefer to be out of town.
MAN: That's actually very good for you because we tend to have more vacancies in out-of -town halls.
WOMAN: Lucky!
MAN: Yes.Angthing else?
WOMAN: Well,I would like somewhere with a shared area,a TV room for example,or somethinglike that.It's a good way to socialise.
MAN: It certainly is.
WOMAN: That's it.
MAN: Now,we just need a contact telephone number for you.
WOMAN: Sure,I'll just find it.It's double 67549.
MAN: Great,so we'll be in contact with you as soon as possible...
2、 Then there's Holt Island,which is noted for its greatrange of trees.In the past willows were grown herecommercially for basket-making,and this ancientcraft has recently been reintroduced.The island isonly open to the public from Friday toSunday,because it's quite small,and if there werepeople around every day,much of the wildlife wouldkeep away.
From there it's just a short walk across the bridge to Longfield Country Park.Longfield has amodern replica of a farm from over two thousand years ago.Children's activities are oftenarranged there,like bread-making and face-painting.The park is only open during daylighthours,so bear that in mind if you decide to go there.