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【SAT写作】美国高中生观点型写作范文赏析--Should Teens Drive?

更新时间:2017-03-30 编辑:知乎者也 阅读:0 来源: 聚培训整理



  Should Teens Drive?

  Should teens start driving at 13? Some people say that they should drive. 80% of people say yes for 13 year-olds to drive. One thing 13 year-olds should drive is that responsibility is the main thing a teens needs. Secondly, they sometimes start driving when they were young and they wait too long to do it in public. Finally, some 13 year-olds could have a job but transportation is a problem. 13 year-olds should have special licenses for transportation.

  To began with, responsibility is a main thing a teen needs. Some teens just want to drive just to look cool and there parents trust them on a car but they don't know how hard it is. Some other teens just want to drive a car to make them look mature but it is not all about being mature. But there are some teens that they have to make decisions with life in order that something nice will happen back to them and something most grateful. No mater what type of vehicle it is, is a big responsibility. This is why teens of 13 and up should drive.

  Secondly, they sometimes start driving when they where young they wait too long to do it in public. Some 10 year-olds just want to steer to park the car. But when they get older, they want to park it by their self so they could learn little by little. When they finish parking or moving the car, they would just act alittle different so they will get permission to do it again. Also they will start to feel much mature. These are some reasons 13 year-olds should be able to drive.

  Finally, some 13 year-olds could have a job but transportation is a problem. One problem about transportation is that teens won't disturb there parents. Also teen's parents will relax so they won't struggle with the teens they have. And there transportation will not take long from there parents. Finally, teen's parents will say it is easier to do it. This is why 13 year-olds should have a special licenses to drive.

  In conclusion, teens should start driving and the age of 13. A main thing that a teen needs that is really important to them is responsibility. Also they have to wait a long time to drive with people in highways and streets. Finally, teens can have a job that can need transportation. We can work together that this can happen. We can also make special classes for them.


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