托福口语1分评分标准中英对照解析——General Description: The response is very limited in content and/or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task, or speech is largely unintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following.
只能拿一分的口语,给考官的总体印象必然是不好的。“The response is very limited in content”说明说者的回答在内容上已经“no meat”,也就是几乎没说出什么东西了。
“and/or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task”,or speech is largely unintelligible. 或者是说出来的内容与问题没有关联,也就是中文所说的离题。离题而且逻辑思路上不连贯,自然不会有高分。
托福口语1分评分标准中英对照解析——Delivery: Consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonation difficulties cause considerable listener effort; delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.
“Consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonation difficulties cause considerable listener effort; “. Consistent一词表明IBT可以允许你犯一次,两次错误,但是多次犯错他们就不会手下留情了。至于多少个错误属于consistent,还要大家自己去把握了。这里强调的是语音语调以及重音的位置,如果你的语音语调让考官很难听明白,问题就比较严重了。
“delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.”这里是说如果你的诉说过程中有太多的停顿,整体给人感觉支离破碎,那么高分也会无情的远离了。
托福口语1分评分标准中英对照解析——Language Use: Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some low level responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.
“Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas.”这里考察的是语言运用能力。你的词汇量是不是不够,以至于在诉说过程中的形容词只有那几个?你的语法是不是不好,以至于表达不完整?这些词汇量和语法上的缺陷有没有阻碍你正常的表达你想说的?如果同样的内容,你知道你想怎么说,却说不出来,那该是好好背一背单词的时候了。
Some low level responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.网上会有很多的口语模板,模板是省事,可是考官听的多了,也就能听出来你是不是套用了大众模板。如果你的口语总体不好,只记得模板中的几个转折词,中间却结结巴巴,考官会明白你就是生搬硬套死记硬背了。
托福口语1分评分标准中英对照解析——Topic Development: Limited relevant content expressed. The response generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.
Topic Development Limited relevant content expressed. 这第一条跟general里面的又有吻合,依然强调了不能离题。The response generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. 回答上不能缺少最基本的想法,问什么,答什么。
我们说结构,那么结构的第一句就应该把一个总体的lead sentence说出来,然后在一步一步development你的idea和topic.如果结构混乱,也就让人不知所云了。
Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.准备过程中要想好理由一、理由二,诉说过程中不要出现没话讲以至于在不停的重复前面的观点,这是大忌。Pace要把握好,及时收尾,不要给考官一个没有结尾的speech。