- 培训周期:一周以内
- 课程级别:入门级
- 适合年龄:A2阶段,适合有A1基础的学员,使学员掌握基本语法,常用词汇
- 上课时间:全日制
- 学习目的:学期结束后学员可具备相当的口语表达能力和阅读能力
- 上课地址:厦门思明区厦禾路879号
世界青少年精英峰会世界青少年精英峰会的介绍: 世界青少年精英峰会,自1958年以来每年暑假定期在美国举行,参加峰会的青少年精英领袖,除甄选自美国五十州外(每州两个名额),还有来自中国、德国、英国、加拿大、日本、韩国等20多个国家的青少年精英领袖代表,峰会研习的主要目的是鼓励青少年勇于挑战、积极进取,以期透过此活动提供国际学生交流的机会,进而激发潜能,是一项极具意义的世界青少年精英盛会。 峰会根据当年活动主轴安排来自科学、政治、经济、文化等相关领域的当今世界领袖人物进行主题演讲、提问互动以及分组议题讨论外,并穿插许多精心设计的活动、访问以激发青少年对社会的认同、参与及激发青少年领导潜能。 世界青少年精英峰会世界各地访问学院合影 2009年世界青少年精英峰会在美国华盛顿闭幕 世界青少年精英峰会发展由来: 世界青少年精英峰会是1958年由美国资深艺人Hugh O'Brian 所创立的公益组织。Mr. O'Brian于1958年前往非洲访问时受到名医史怀哲的精神感召,十分认同史怀哲对教育方面的理念:教育最重要的是培养青年人独立思考的能力,返美后立即成立HOBY组织。经过50年的发展,此公益团体在青少年身心发展上卓著的绩效,普获社会好评与认同,成为一个拥有5200个志工的知名社团。 美国资深艺人Hugh O'Brian(1) 非洲圣人”艾伯特·史怀哲 (Albert Schweitzer)十世纪人道精神划时代伟人、一位著名学者以及人道主义者。无庸置疑,这位具备哲学、医学、神学、音乐四种不同领域的才华,且于一九五三年十月三十一日获的史怀哲,是了不起的通才、卓越成就的世纪伟人。虽然他身上聚集多样的天份,然而,他一生的成就还是来源于信仰的动力与博大的爱心。世界青少年精英峰会的宗旨 目标:激励和促进全球青少年和志愿者致力于领导、服务和创新的生活。通过基于有效和富有同情心领导下的理解和认同,激发和增强个人对全球社会作出积极的改变。 愿景:通过基于有效和富有同情心领导下的理解和认同,激发和增强个人对全球社会作出积极的改变。 世界青少年精英峰会核心价值观 •志愿服务 志愿服务是HOBY的核心和灵魂。我们赞赏作出无限贡献的志愿者们,并清楚感谢和回馈包含的力量。我们力求促进和鼓励创造我们周围的利益相关者们的服务。 •诚信 诚信我们组织的基础。我们要求最高水平的职业道德。我们基于建立在与利益相关者和合作伙伴的信任和尊重基础上的互动,不断发展我们的组织。 •卓越 我们力求不断发展我们的项目和事业到更完美的水准。我们鼓励在商业,教育和社会责任的创业精神和创新。我们开发创造性的方案,以解决和利用各种挑战和机遇。 •多样性 我们的重视和包容多样性。我们寻求能反映各行各业,各个层面的意见,并将这些意见体现我们的项目中。我们对于个体的特殊需要和不同背景十分敏感。。 •社区伙伴关系 我们非常重视社会的伙伴关系。我们了解与社区组织合作的重要性,并借以加强我们的资源网。我们非常重视我们得到的社会各界的投入,并力争同心协力,精益求精,共同促进全社会的和谐共进。George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States 乔治.W.布什,第四十三任美国总统:“Education plays an essential role in helping students develop into future leaders. The skills and ideas young people acquire will help them make wise decisions in the coming years. Through these seminars, held annually in each of our United States, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) provides excellent opportunities for students to better understand the workings of democracy and the free enterprise system.”Ted. Turner, Chairman, Turner Broadcasting Systems 泰德.特纳, Turner Broadcasting Systems 主席:“You know, we business people like to say we’re driven by the bottom line. The real bottom line is the future, and we owe it to our youth to prepare them for that. Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) does just that. By promoting leadership, HOBY is building a corps of young people who will be prepared to meet the challenges facing future generations.”Colin L. Powell, Former United States Secretary of State 科林.L.鲍威尔, 前美国国务卿:“The mission of America’s Promise is to equip the next generation of Americans with the character and competence they need to be successful adults. Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) is one of our staunch allies in this crusade... HOBY is encouraging each of the thousands of high school sophomores who attend these leadership seminars to volunteer at least a hundred hours a year to a community service project. The HOBY commitment to America’s Promise will produce at least 1,400,000 volunteer service hours a year.”Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, and First Lady Nancy Reagan 罗纳德.里根, 第四十任美国总统及第一夫人南希.里根:“The work of HOBY is an important factor in motivating future leaders to become full participants in our democratic process. The challenges we as a people will face in the years ahead will be more intelligently and skillfully addressed because of the investment we now make in our youth… It is the children who give Nancy and me such hope. They truly are saying no to the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and are standing up for what they know is right. HOBY also gives hope – hope for the future of our youth and our nation. Our deep appreciation goes to Hugh for his efforts.”Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet Union 米克哈尔.戈尔巴乔夫, 前苏联总统:“Perhaps all of us – politicians, scholars and public opinion makers – have not yet fully realized one simple fact. It is that we are not just standing on the threshold of a new century but are present at, and participating in, a change of epochs. Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) is helping facilitate that change.”Muhammad Ali, Olympic Gold Medalist and Heavyweight Boxing Champion 穆罕默德.阿里, 奥运会金牌得主及世界重量级拳王:“In this world, success comes to those with confidence and faith in themselves. Hugh O’Brian’s youth organization is the GREATEST in developing that confidence in outstanding 10th graders selected annually to represent over 13,500 public and private high schools at one of HOBY’s leadership seminars. What an outstanding role model for our future!”Mike Huckabee, Governor, State of Arkansas, and 1971 HOBY Alumnus 麦克.哈克比, 阿肯色州州长及1971年HOBY营员:“Attending the Hugh O’Brian Leadership (HOBY) seminar in 1971 was a genuine turning point in my life. It was my first time to fly on an airplane, travel out of the state, and meet people from around the nation and world. I forged friendships that have continued for years, and the impact of HOBY is a large part of why I am Governor of my state today.”Walter Cronkite, Award-Winning Journalist, CBS News 瓦尔特.克伦凯特, 普利策奖得主, CBS新闻:“Perhaps most importantly Hugh O’Brian Youth Leader ship (HOBY) has created a vehicle by which tomorrow’s leaders can interact with one another and with today's leaders in learning more about themselves and the institutions which they will shape in future years.”“Motivating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today”Al Gore, Former Vice-President of the United States, and Tipper Gore 阿尔.戈尔, 前美国副总统及夫人蒂波.戈尔:“The continued vitality of American communities and our nation is highly dependent upon the knowledge and capabilities of our young people.Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY)today’s young people into tomorrow's leaders.”Norman R. Augustine, Former Chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corp. 诺曼.R.奥古斯丁, 前洛克希德.马丁公司CEO和主席:“Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership has continuously responded to societal changes for over 46 years, ensuring its ability to inspire young men and women so that they, in turn, may make positive contributions to their communities. Through HOBY leadership seminars… young people are given an extraordinary opportunity to prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow.”Elizabeth Dole, United States Senator, North Carolina 伊丽莎白.多尔 美国参议员,北卡罗来纳州:“Our country has some big and exciting challenges ahead, with some tough choices. Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) offers a program for our youth to prepare for these challenges and presents them with the opportunity to put their stamp on history.Dr. Henry Kissinger, Former United States Secretary of State 亨利.基辛格博士, 前美国国务卿:“World peace can only benefit from future leaders who have the ability to communicate their wisdom and understanding. The Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) experience offers these young people the opportunity to expand their horizons by increasing the knowledge of the world they live, through interaction with today’s leaders.”Dr. Malcolm Gillis, University Professor and Past President of Rice University, Houston, Texas 马尔科姆.吉利斯博士, 大学教授及前莱斯大学校长,休斯顿,德克萨斯州:“An extraordinarily high proportion of HOBY participants have gone on to leadership positions in business, government and education. This is just one of the reasons leading colleges and universities take special notice of student applications that participation.”George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States, and First Lady Barbara Bush 乔治H.W.布什,第四十一任美国总统,及第一夫人芭芭拉.布什:“Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) –countless volunteers – have developed a way to educate America’s next generation in the art and purposes of leading a free people; and that is an enduring and significant achievement.”Actor James Van Der Beek, 1993 HOBY Alumnus 詹姆斯.范.德.比克, 演员, 1993年HOBY营员:“One of the best things that Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) does is it labels every student who attends the conference a leader, whether they’ve ever considered themselves one before or not. Second thing it does is it allows sophomores, possibly for the first time in their lives, a chance to leave behind everyone’s ideas of who they are. For that weekend… they’re completely free to come up with their own definition of self…”Gerald Tirozzi, PhD, Executive Director, National Association of Secondary School Principals 杰拉德.蒂罗兹博士, 常务董事, 美国国家中学管理委员会:“HOBY continues to be a vital program serving our youth. NASSP has enjoyed a professional relationship with Hugh O’Brian and HOBY since 1972. We believe that the long history and commitment of these outstanding HOBY programs are most worthy of our and your support as they continue to contribute effectively to the development of young people. HOBY has my full support and personal endorsement.”