- 培训周期:1个月以内
- 课程级别:入门级
- 适合年龄:雅思测试在6分以上的学员
- 上课时间:白天班
- 学习目的:培养学生建立与文章之间的能力;语言组织以及运用的能力;获取文章中心思想和表达目的的能力;思考以及发问
- 上课地址:3元里校区/远景校区/同和校区/岗顶总校/东圃校区/鹭江校区昌岗校区/荔湾校区/留学移民中心
英语口语5级——外教高级小班 该班旨在通过提供真实的语言环境,提高学员的英语听说能力,采用教师自编或指定教材,全部课程由外教讲授。上课时教师会运用主题讨论、影视赏析、个人演讲、游戏等教学手段,营造活跃的英语语言环境,进行口语交际训练,最终实现交际能力的提高。 每期16周,小班教学,循环授课,随时入班,按实际上课时间计算。 剑桥国际英语教程Passages 5
Unit 1. Relationships
A. The best of friends
B. More than a friend
Unit 2. Clothes and appearance
A. The way we dress
B. How we appear to others
Unit 3. Exceptional people
A. High achievers
B. Persoanal heroes
Unit 4. Superstitions and beliefs
A. Superstitions
B. Believe it or not
Unit 5. Reading and television
A. Trends in reading
B. Television
Unit 6. Art and music
A. The enjoyment of art
B. The importance of music
Unit 7. Changing times
A. Lifestyles in transition
B. Setting goals
Unit 8. Buying and selling
A. What's new on the market?
B. Consumer beware
Unit 9. Animals
A. A wild bunch!
B. "Man's best friend"
Unit 10. Language and munication
A. The nature of language
B. Great munications
Unit 11. Science and Technology
A. Good science, bad science
B. Technology and you
Unit 12. Getting down to business
A. Enterpreneurs
B. The new worker