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  • 培训周期:一周以内
  • 课程级别:入门级
  • 适合年龄:都市白领、外贸工作者、自由职业
  • 上课时间:全日制
  • 学习目的:一阶:建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系。二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:c-a
  • 上课地址:深圳是福田区岗厦彩福大厦嘉福阁14D

Usefulness 0bviously, speaking chinese is only useful when dealing with chinese people, but there are about a billion of them and the country is opening up. You can argue that this is the language of the future, with huge untapped markets for so many things that the need for Western people speaking chinese can only go up. Beauty The spoken language is usually not considered as beautiful by Western people, although you can't deny the attraction of the writing system which has led more than one to learn the language. Chic factor Learning chinese is considered so difficult and so few people actually do it that it seems that if you say that you speak it the only attitude you're likely to meet is disbelief. Too bad because on the face of it, this is probably the most difficult language you can learn (even the great Ziad Fazah says so), so it should also be the most chic. Speakers About 800 mio speak it as their mother tongue, plus 200 mio as a second language. Keep in mind that all the chinese languages in China are written more or less the same and that if you can read one, you can read all. Countries China, but you should be able to read newspapers from Hong Kong and Taiwan (see below) Regional variations his is where it bees tricky, because mandarin chinese is only spoken in mainland China, not in Taiwan nor in Honk Hong. That means that outside China, you are likely to meet people who speak another dialect, like cantonese. Travel Travelling with chinese is limited to China, but what a country it is ! Sea, desert, mountains, forests, huge cities, just name it and you'll find a passionating chinese version. Culture Multi millenarian culture, with litterature a thousand years old, castles, palaces, poetry, calligraphy, excellent cuisine.
